Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Welcome All!

We propose creating a British steam punk web series consisting of 5/6 mini episodes to be
shoot over a period of a year.

All you need to do is join(below) and state what you would like to do for the project in the comments box.


  1. I would love to participate as concept or script writer.

  2. Would love to assist with this, have experince acting and in sound design (mainly for stage)

  3. I would be glad to assist in this project. I am a Steampunk cosplayer & prop builder.

  4. I would be happy to help with what services I can. I'm a theatre costumier, with experience in other areas (stage management, properties, directing, acting) and I also teach at a Film and Stage school so have access to useful resources (especially students!).

    Xye (sorry, my post come up under my Google account, mutter blogger mutter)
